Renew your

Specialist Accreditation


How do I submit my renewal?

Submit your personalised accreditation renewal form online by logging in to My Law Society on the Law Society website.

Unable to renew online?

If you are unable to renew your accreditation online, please download the Renewal Form and submit as instructed. Specialists are encouraged to renew their accreditation online if possible.

What do I need to submit with my renewal?

Accredited Specialists are no longer required to upload evidence of the CPD they have completed when submitting their application for renewal.

How long does it take to process a renewal?

The processing of renewals may take up to 3 weeks. A tax invoice and confirmation of your renewal will be sent once payment is received, processed and re-accreditation confirmed. Specialist Accreditation will contact the individual should there be a problem with their renewal.

Note: From 1 May 2022, any specialist with an outstanding renewal (or if the renewal is still being processed) will not have their accreditation listed on the Law Society website until it is finalised. Specialists are encouraged to renew their accreditation allowing ample time for processing. Specialist Accreditation endeavours to have as quick a turn-around as possible.

Renewal of Specialist Accreditation is an annual requirement for all specialists. This ensures that the standard expected of an Accredited Specialist is maintained.

Completion of CPD Units

For completion of CPD units, practitioners need to complete 10 points of CPD in their area of Accreditation and keep records as proof of completion (this is in addition to CPD requirements for practicing certificate renewal), and also note that there is 5-unit cap on private study of audio/visual material.

How can I request an extension?

An extension of time to complete the required 10 CPD points (per area of accreditation) may be sought. 

Specialists should refer to page 9 of Information for Accredited Specialists for specific details.

Leave of Absence

Specialists may request leave of absence to help accommodate a short term or temporary change in their situation if it is thought that this may affect their ability to meet the renewal requirements for the next accreditation year. A request for a leave of absence must be made prior to the commencement of leave and is not granted retrospectively.

To request a Leave of Absence please submit a Leave of Absence form.

Specialists should refer to page 10 of Information for Accredited Specialists for specific details.

Exemption and discretion

Specialists are able to apply for an exemption or the Board's discretion from certain renewal requirements. The exemption or discretion request will be determined by the officers of the Specialist Accreditation Program and may be referred to the Specialist Accreditation Board.

Specialists should refer to page 8 and 9 of Information for Accredited Specialists for specific details.

Can I update my details?

All specialist communications are sent using the contact details held by The Law Society Registry Department. All specialists are reminded to review and update their details by emailing